
Happy to Start HIST5702!

I love GitHub! It is easy to push content to it. I also love the fact that I can run a free website from your account. I currently run my own site with Reclaim Hosting. However, I also run my grad work at rblades.github.io (with an open notebook using nvALT).

image not responding

In this course I get to learn while helping others. And it isn't just easy for me because I already knew GitHub, markdown, and other programs, software, and applications coming in. (I used Markdown to write a tutorial for the Open Data Kit for the Programming Historian - Still in development.) For instance, I have learned how GitHub and other programs play with Windows (I use a Mac). I also learned on this site that markdown can store links in the following format:

[id tag] <http://website.com>

Before I was hyperlinking within text in this format:

[preview text](http://website.com)

In all, I also love using markdown, and here are the main reasons why:

alt text

Why I am actually taking this course

Admittedly I am taking this course to fullfill the final DH credit of my Masters. However, there is also a sentimental elements to it since the first class I took at Carleton was Digital History with Dr. Graham. I want to learn more digital tools and help others learn. I love collaboration.

What I want from this course

Not only do I want to learn new skills in this course, but I would like my fellow students to collaborate and apply these skills outside of the class for the digital humanities working group in the history department.